Papier do blottingu, Grade GB003

0.8 mm general purpose blotting paper recommended for the lysis/denaturation of colony or plaque lifts as well as Western blots.

  • Pure cellulose produced entirely from the highest quality cotton linters with no additives of any kind. Ensures that no contamination will occur during the transfer steps.
  • Manufactured and tested specifically for chromatographic and blotting techniques. This ensures the wicking capability and uniformity of capillary action that are important in obtaining clean and even transfers during blotting.
  • Whatman 3MM Chr is considered the industry standard for blotting procedures.
  • Convenient sizes available in sheets precisely cut to the most popular gel and transfer membrane sizes. Allows "out-of-the-box" usage and eliminates sheet-to-sheet variations.
Nazwa Wymiary Op. szt. Nr kat. Zakup
Grade GB003 Blotting Paper, sheet, 15 × 20 cm 15 x 20 cm 100 10427812 Zapytaj o cenę
Grade GB003 Blotting Paper, sheet, 15 × 15 cm 15 × 15 cm 100 10427810 Zapytaj o cenę
Grade GB003 Blotting Paper, sheet, 16 × 18 cm 16 × 18 cm 100 10427813 Zapytaj o cenę
Grade GB003 Blotting Paper, sheet, 46 × 57 cm 46 × 57 cm 100 10427826 Zapytaj o cenę
Grade GB003 Blotting Paper, sheet, 20 × 20 cm 20 × 20 cm 100 10427818 Zapytaj o cenę
Grade GB003 Blotting Paper, sheet, 10 × 10 cm 10 × 10 cm 50 10426880 Zapytaj o cenę
Grade GB003 Blotting Paper, sheet, 58 × 60 cm 58 × 60 cm 50 10426892 Zapytaj o cenę
Grade GB003 Blotting Paper, sheet, 30 × 60 cm 30 × 60 cm 25 10426890 Zapytaj o cenę

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