Membrany do blottingu, Nytran SuPerCharge (SPC) Blotting Membranes

Nytran SuPerCharge (SPC) Blotting Membranes provide greater reproducibility of results across the membrane and from blot to blot.

  • Very high positive charge.
  • Improvements in the manufacturing process result in a membrane with a higher density of nylon per unit area.
  • The increased charge and greater nylon density provide increased binding sites for your samples.
  • Very uniform pore size and pore distribution compared to typical nylon membranes.
  • Free of surface microvoids, which are common in other membranes.

Nytran SPC membrane is cast uniformly on both sides of a support matrix, demonstrating excellent symmetry. This gives the membrane the ability to lie flat without curling. With typical manufacturing techniques, increasing positive charge tends to increase background. Nytran SPC membranes are manufactured using a process that allows the combination of high positive charge with low background. Whether using radioactive or nonradioactive detection techniques, Nytran SPC consistently gives high signal with extremely low background. Whatman Nytran nylon membranes are available in two formats: Nytran N is moderately charged and Nytran SuPerCharge (SPC) has a very high positive charge.

Nazwa Format Wymiary Op. szt. Nr kat. Zakup
Nytran SuPerCharge (SPC) Nylon Blotting Membrane, 0.45 µm, 30 cm × 3 m, roll Roll 30 cm x 3 m 1 10416296 Zapytaj o cenę
Nytran SuPerCharge (SPC) Nylon Blotting Membrane, 0.45 µm, 20 cm × 3 m, roll Roll 20 cm x 3 m 1 10416294 Zapytaj o cenę
Nytran SuPerCharge (SPC) Nylon Blotting Membrane, 0.45 µm, 11 × 14 cm, sheet Sheet 11 x 14 cm 10 10416230 Zapytaj o cenę

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