HisTrap excel Columns, Cytiva

HisTrap excel columns are prepacked with Ni Sepharose excel affinity resins for capture and purification of histidine-tagged proteins secreted into eukaryotic cell culture supernatants by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC).

  • Load eukaryotic cell culture samples containing secreted histidine-tagged proteins directly with retained binding capacity
  • Increase target protein yield and decrease degradation through reduced and simplified sample handling
  • HisTrap excel columns allow direct purification of cell-free, unclarified samples

HisTrap excel 1 mL and 5 mL are ready-to-use IMAC columns prepacked with Ni Sepharose excel. The design of the columns in combination with the specific properties of the resin enables fast and convenient purifications. The special type of filter in the top and bottom of the columns makes it possible to load large volumes of cell-free, unclarified samples directly on the columns without causing back pressure problems. This time-saving property helps prevent degradation and loss of sensitive target proteins.

Opis nr kat. Zakup
HisTrap excel, 1 x 1 ml 29048586 Zapytaj o cenę
HisTrap excel, 5 x 1 ml 17371205 Zapytaj o cenę
HisTrap excel, 5 x 5 ml 17371206 Zapytaj o cenę

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