HiScreen Capto Phenyl (High Sub), Cytiva

Capto Phenyl (High sub) and Capto Butyl are hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) resins used in the capture and intermediate stages of protein purification

  • Prepacked with Capto Phenyl (high sub)
  • Excellent for method optimization and parameter screening due to the 10 cm bed height
  • Easily connected in series to achieve 20 cm bed height
  • Small bed volume for fast results and minimal sample/buffer consumption
  • Reproducible results, scalable to BioProcess columns packed with the same resin using the same flow velocity

HiScreen columns are part of the process development platform available from Cytiva. The columns are prepacked with a range of BioProcess chromatography resins (resins) and designed for method optimization and parameter screening. HiScreen columns have small bed volumes (4.7 mL), reducing the cost of sample and buffer consumption. The resins used in HiScreen columns are also available in other prepacked formats and as bulk packs, for all scales of work from development and pilot studies to routine production

Opis nr kat. Zakup
HiScreen Capto Phenyl (High Sub), 1 × 4.7 mL 28992472 Zapytaj o cenę

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