CM Sephadex C-50, Cytiva

CM Sephadex C-50 is a weak cation exchanger based on the well documented and well proven Sephadex base matrix.

  • Weak cation exchanger suitable batch techniques.
  • High binding capacities.

Sephadex ion exchangers are produced by introducing functional groups onto the cross-linked dextran matrix. These groups are attached to glucose units in the matrix by stable ether linkages.

Chromatography technique Ion Exchange Chromatography 
BioProcess resin No 
Ligand Carboxymethyl 
Ion Exchanger Type Weak cation 
Matrix Cross-linked dextran 
Binding Capacity/ml Chromatography Medium lgG (Mr 160 000)- 7 mg/mL drained resin), Bovine COHb (Mr 69 000)- 140 mg/mL drained resin), Ribonuclease (Mr 13 700)- 120 mg/mL drained resin) 
Ionic Capacity 4-5 mmol/g 
pH stability, operational1 6–10 
pH stability, CIP2 2–12 
Storage 4 to 30°C, dry resins. Used resins 4 to 8 °C in 20% Ethanol or 0.01 M NaOH 
Chemical stability Stable in water, salt solutions, organic solvents, alkaline and weakly acidic solutions and denaturing solvents 
Avoid Using Oxidising agents and dextranase 
Autoclavable In 0.1 M sodium chloride at 121°C for 30 min. 
Opis nr kat. Zakup
CM Sephadex C-50, 500 g 17022002 Zapytaj o cenę
CM Sephadex C-50, 5 kg 17022003 Zapytaj o cenę
CM Sephadex C-50, 100 g 17022001 Zapytaj o cenę

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