Amersham ECL start Western Blotting Detection Reagent

Chemiluminescent detection of medium- and high-expression proteins, with a long lasting signal that provides a longer time window for detection.

  • Flexibility: Long signal duration provides assay design flexibility and robust detection of large experimental sets.
  • Low background: Produces low background, regardless of the method of detection.
  • Stability of the working solution: The working solution is stable for 5 days.
  • Long shelf life: With 18 months shelf life from manufacturing, Amersham ECL start Western Blotting Detection Reagent is convenient for those who run Western blots infrequently.

Amersham ECL start is a chemiluminescent detection reagent in the Amersham ECL product family that is recommended for confirmatory analysis and detection of high to medium levels of endogenous proteins. Amersham ECL start has a long signal duration, which enables multiple exposures of the membrane, plus a convenient time window between experiment and analysis.

Opis nr kat. Zakup
Amersham ECL start Western Blotting Detection Reagent, 200 mL RPN3243 Zapytaj o cenę
Amersham ECL start Western Blotting Detection Reagent, 400 mL RPN3244 Zapytaj o cenę

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