Amersham ECL Direct Labeling Module

ECL Direct Nucleic Acid Labeling and Detection Systems are based on the direct labeling of DNA or RNA probes with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in a simple 20 minute chemical reaction. The resulting probe can be used without purification. Detection is achieved by generation of light via the HRP-catalyzed breakdown of luminol.

  • Direct probe labelling in a 10 minute reaction, 1 hour from hybridization to detection with ECL Direct and Hybond™ N+.
  • Eliminates handling, waste and regulatory issues associated with use of radioactivity.
  • No need to strip blots before reprobing.
  • Contains a novel rate enhancer, giving higher sensitivity with very low backgrounds on nylon membranes.

ECL Direct is particularly useful for applications that require a blot to be reprobed several times and also for screening applications requiring rapid throughput and fast results. Each system includes the following reagents, sufficient for labeling 5 to 10 µg nucleic acid and detecting 2000 to 4000 cm ² of membrane (depending on product ordered): labeling reagent, crosslinker, control DNA, blocking agent, ECL Detection Reagents, and ECL Gold Hybridization Buffer.

Opis nr kat. Zakup
ECL Direct Labeling Module to LabeL 5 µg RPN3005 Zapytaj o cenę

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