Amersham ECL Direct Labeling and Detection System

ECL Direct Nucleic Acid Labeling and Detection Systems are based on the direct labeling of DNA or RNA probes with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in a simple 20 minute chemical reaction. The resulting probe can be used without purification. Detection is achieved by generation of light via the HRP-catalyzed breakdown of luminol.

  • Direct probe labelling in a 10 minute reaction, 1 hour from hybridization to detection with ECL Direct and Hybond™ N+.
  • Eliminates handling, waste and regulatory issues associated with use of radioactivity.
  • No need to strip blots before reprobing.
  • Contains a novel rate enhancer, giving higher sensitivity with very low backgrounds on nylon membranes.

ECL Direct is particularly useful for applications that require a blot to be reprobed several times and also for screening applications requiring rapid throughput and fast results. Examples including High-to-Medium-target Southern and Northen blots, Colony/ Plaque lifts, Dot or Slot Blots, Genome Mapping, PCR Product Analysis, Library Screens.

Opis nr kat. Zakup
ECL Direct Labeling and Detection System, 5 µg RPN3000 Zapytaj o cenę
ECL Direct Labeling and Detection System, 10 µg RPN3001 Zapytaj o cenę

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