Amersham CyDye NIR secondary antibodies

Fluorescence detection is a direct Western blotting method in which a secondary antibody is conjugated to a fluorophore, avoiding the need for ancillary detection reagents. Different fluorophores are available for signal detection at either visible light or near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths.

Amersham CyDye 700 and 800 secondary antibodies are labeled with NIR fluorophores that emit light at wavelengths of 700 nm or 800 nm. By using Amersham CyDye 700 and 800 secondary antibodies together with a pair of appropriate rabbit or mouse primary antibodies, you can perform multiplexed experiments.

Key benefits:

  • Easy handling and a strong signal-to-noise ratio yield reproducible results
  • Multiplexing analysis of more than one target protein on a single blot increases process efficiency
  • Total protein normalization (TPN) generates reliable and accurate quantitation
  • Stable signals allow membranes to be stored and rescanned for future studies
Opis nr kat. Zakup
Amersham CyDye 800 goat-anti-mouse (0.1 mg) 29360788 Zapytaj o cenę
Amersham CyDye 800 goat-anti-rabbit (0.1 mg) 29360790 Zapytaj o cenę
Amersham CyDye 700 goat-anti-rabbit (0.5 mg) 29360787 Zapytaj o cenę
Amersham CyDye 700 goat-anti-mouse (0.1 mg) 29360784 Zapytaj o cenę
Amersham CyDye 800 goat-anti-rabbit (0.5 mg) 29360791 Zapytaj o cenę
Amersham CyDye 700 goat-anti-rabbit (0.1 mg) 29360786 Zapytaj o cenę
Amersham CyDye 700 goat-anti-mouse (0.5 mg) 29360785 Zapytaj o cenę
Amersham CyDye 800 goat-anti-mouse (0.5 mg) 29360789 Zapytaj o cenę

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