Standardy wieloelementowe do chromatografii jonowej IC CPAChem

Nr kat. Opis ISO 17034\ ISO 17025 Op. Zakup
1521.1K.W.L1 "Mixed Anions Standard - 7 components: 1000mg/l each of Fluorides (F-) ; Chlorides (Cl-) ; Nitrites (NO2-) ; Bromides (Br-) ; Nitrates (NO3-) ; Sulphates (SO42-) ; Phosphates (PO43-) in Water" TAK 100ml
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1521.1K.W.L25 "Mixed Anions Standard - 7 components: 1000mg/l each of Fluorides (F-) ; Chlorides (Cl-) ; Nitrites (NO2-) ; Bromides (Br-) ; Nitrates (NO3-) ; Sulphates (SO42-) ; Phosphates (PO43-) in Water" TAK 250ml
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1521.1K.W.L5 "Mixed Anions Standard - 7 components: 1000mg/l each of Fluorides (F-) ; Chlorides (Cl-) ; Nitrites (NO2-) ; Bromides (Br-) ; Nitrates (NO3-) ; Sulphates (SO42-) ; Phosphates (PO43-) in Water" TAK 500ml
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1A15.K1.W.L1 "Standard Solution 5 components: 100mg/l each of Ammonium (NH4+) ; Magnesium (Mg 2+) ; Calcium (Ca 2+) ; Sodium (Na+) ; Potassium (K+) in Water" TAK 100ml
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3905.1K.W.L1 "Standard Solution 3 components: 1000mg/l each of Chlorides (Cl-) ; Nitrates (NO3-) ; Sulphates (SO42-) in Water" TAK 100ml
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4C79.1K.W.L1 "Multi-Ion Standard 4 components: 1000mg/l each of Sodium (Na+) ; Potassium (K+) ; Magnesium (Mg 2+) ; Calcium (Ca 2+) in Water" TAK 100ml
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A3DCF.40.01N.L1 "Standard Solution 6 components: Lithium 10mg/l; Sodium 20mg/l; Ammonium 40mg/l; Calcium 40mg/l; Magnesium 20mg/l; Potassium 20mg/l; Nitric Acid 0.1%;" TAK 100ml
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A3DCF.40.01N.L5 "Standard Solution 6 components: Lithium 10mg/l; Sodium 20mg/l; Ammonium 40mg/l; Calcium 40mg/l; Magnesium 20mg/l; Potassium 20mg/l; Nitric Acid 0.1%;" TAK 500ml
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A7A40.5.01N.L1 "Standard Solution 6 components: Lithium 0.5mg/l; Sodium 2mg/l; Ammonium 2.5mg/l; Potassium 5mg/l; Magnesium 2.5mg/l; Calcium 5mg/l; Nitric Acid 0.1%;" TAK 100ml
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A7A40.5.01N.L5 "Standard Solution 6 components: Lithium 0.5mg/l; Sodium 2mg/l; Ammonium 2.5mg/l; Potassium 5mg/l; Magnesium 2.5mg/l; Calcium 5mg/l; Nitric Acid 0.1%;" TAK 500ml
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ACE63.25.W.L1 "Fluorides 5mg/l; Chlorides 10mg/l; Nitrites 15mg/l; Bromides 25mg/l; Nitrates 25mg/l; Phosphates 40mg/l; Sulphates 30mg/l; Water;" TAK 100ml
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ACE63.25.W.L5 "Fluorides 5mg/l; Chlorides 10mg/l; Nitrites 15mg/l; Bromides 25mg/l; Nitrates 25mg/l; Phosphates 40mg/l; Sulphates 30mg/l; Water;" TAK 500ml
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E3A7.K1.W.L1 "Standard Solution 6 components: 100mg/l each of Fluorides (F-) ; Chlorides (Cl-) ; Bromides (Br-) ; Nitrates (NO3-) ; Phosphates (PO43-) ; Sulphates (SO42-) in Water" TAK 100ml
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60DB.1K.W.L1 "3 components: 1000mg/l each of Fluorides (F-) ; Bromides (Br-) ; Phosphates (PO43-) in Water" TAK 100ml
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60DB.1K.W.L5 "3 components: 1000mg/l each of Fluorides (F-) ; Bromides (Br-) ; Phosphates (PO43-) in Water" TAK 500ml
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0F6C.K3.W.L1 "6 components: Fluorides (F-) 100mg/l ; Chlorides (Cl-) 300mg/l ; Nitrites (NO2-) 50mg/l ; Nitrates (NO3-) 100mg/l ; Phosphates (PO43-) 100mg/l ; Sulphates (SO42-) 300mg/l in Water" TAK 100ml
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0F6C.K3.W.L25 "6 components: Fluorides (F-) 100mg/l ; Chlorides (Cl-) 300mg/l ; Nitrites (NO2-) 50mg/l ; Nitrates (NO3-) 100mg/l ; Phosphates (PO43-) 100mg/l ; Sulphates (SO42-) 300mg/l in Water" TAK 250ml
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7344.K1.W.L1 "7 components: Chlorides (Cl-) 100mg/l ; Fluorides (F-) 25mg/l ; Sulphates (SO42-) 100mg/l ; Nitrates (NO3-) 100mg/l ; Nitrites (NO2-) 100mg/l ; Bromides (Br-) 100mg/l ; Phosphates (PO43-) 100mg/l in Water" TAK 100ml
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7344.K1.W.L25 "7 components: Chlorides (Cl-) 100mg/l ; Fluorides (F-) 25mg/l ; Sulphates (SO42-) 100mg/l ; Nitrates (NO3-) 100mg/l ; Nitrites (NO2-) 100mg/l ; Bromides (Br-) 100mg/l ; Phosphates (PO43-) 100mg/l in Water" TAK 250ml
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7344.K1.W.L5 "7 components: Chlorides (Cl-) 100mg/l ; Fluorides (F-) 25mg/l ; Sulphates (SO42-) 100mg/l ; Nitrates (NO3-) 100mg/l ; Nitrites (NO2-) 100mg/l ; Bromides (Br-) 100mg/l ; Phosphates (PO43-) 100mg/l in Water" TAK 500ml
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E3A7.1K.W.L1 "6 components: 1000mg/l each of Nitrates (NO3-) ; Chlorides (Cl-) ; Sulphates (SO42-) ; Bromides (Br-) ; Phosphates (PO43-) ; Fluorides (F-) in Water" TAK 100ml
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1521.10.W.L1 "Mixed Anions Standard - 7 components: 10mg/l each of Bromides (Br-) ; Chlorides (Cl-) ; Fluorides (F-) ; Nitrates (NO3-) ; Nitrites (NO2-) ; Phosphates (PO43-) ; Sulphates (SO42-) in Water" TAK 100ml
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1521.10.W.L5 "Mixed Anions Standard - 7 components: 10mg/l each of Bromides (Br-) ; Chlorides (Cl-) ; Fluorides (F-) ; Nitrates (NO3-) ; Nitrites (NO2-) ; Phosphates (PO43-) ; Sulphates (SO42-) in Water" TAK 500ml
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D251.1K.W.L1 "5 components: 1000mg/l each of Fluorides (F-) ; Chlorides (Cl-) ; Phosphates (PO43-) ; Sulphates (SO42-) ; Nitrates (NO3-) in Water" TAK 100ml
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D251.1K.W.L5 "5 components: 1000mg/l each of Fluorides (F-) ; Chlorides (Cl-) ; Phosphates (PO43-) ; Sulphates (SO42-) ; Nitrates (NO3-) in Water" TAK 500ml
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170398.L1 "5 components: Fluorides (F-) 100mg/l ; Chlorides (Cl-) 250mg/l ; Nitrates (NO3-) 500mg/l ; Sulphates (SO42-) 500mg/l ; Phosphates (PO43-) 1000mg/l in Water" TAK 100ml
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170398.L5 "5 components: Fluorides (F-) 100mg/l ; Chlorides (Cl-) 250mg/l ; Nitrates (NO3-) 500mg/l ; Sulphates (SO42-) 500mg/l ; Phosphates (PO43-) 1000mg/l in Water" TAK 500ml
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E3A7.10.W.L05 "6 components: 10mg/kg each of Fluorides (F-) ; Chlorides (Cl-) ; Bromides (Br-) ; Nitrates (NO3-) ; Phosphates (PO43-) ; Sulphates (SO42-) in Water" TAK 50ml
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